Streamline Operations, Slash Costs, Empower Decisions: SwiffyLabs LOS

Launch new loan products faster, automate your loan origination process, and gain complete control over credit policies with SwiffyLabs LOS.

The Lender's Advantage

In today's competitive lending landscape, efficiency is paramount. SwiffyLabs Loan Origination System (LOS) empowers you to streamline operations, significantly reduce costs, and make smarter lending decisions – all while offering a seamless borrower experience.

Reduce Operational Expenses (Opex) by 20% or more

Automate tasks across your existing channels, streamlining workflows and freeing up your team to focus on higher-value activities.

Slash Capital Expenditures 
(Capex) by 65%

Our one-time integration eliminates the need for continuous app updates, minimizing your ongoing IT investment.

Achieve 100% faster loan application times

With our streamlined process, boosting borrower satisfaction and conversions.

Be up and running in just 2 weeks

With our pre-built integrations that simplify onboarding, account aggregation, repayment setup, and even integrate with your existing Loan Management System.

Launch any loan product you desire, from working capital loans to BNPL, in a matter of days, not months.

Our Origination Stack offers unmatched agility.

Drive up conversions by 50%

With our advanced system. We help you reach more customers, develop targeted credit products, and maximize your topline revenue.

Empower Decisions with the Business Rules Engine (BRE)

Define, test, and refine new credit policies quickly. Integrate with alternative data sources and your external data for broader coverage.

SwiffyLabs LOS: How it Works

Seamless Channel Integration

Connect your existing digital and offline channels for a unified borrower experience. This keeps applications flowing and boosts completion rates.

Customizable Loan Journeys

Design loan applications tailored to specific borrower segments and loan types. Streamline the process, reduce friction, and watch conversions soar.

Intelligent Lead Management

Capture, nurture, and qualify leads effectively. Identify high-potential borrowers early on and ensure a steady flow of qualified applicants.

Effortless Assisted Journeys

Pre-fill applications with trusted partner data and focus on eKYC and digital signing. Minimize drop-offs, expedite decisions, and keep borrowers happy.

Business Rules Engine (BRE)

Empower your risk team to define, test, and deploy new credit policies independently – without IT involvement. Gain control and agility in your 
risk management.

One-Time Integration

Integrate once with SwiffyLabs and effortlessly roll out a wide range of loan products. Eliminate the need for ongoing app updates and focus on what matters - growing your business.

Deep Performance Analytics

Gain valuable insights into loan application performance. Track key metrics, identify bottlenecks, and continuously optimize your loan origination process for 
maximum efficiency.

Loan Products Made Easy

SwiffyLabs LOS empowers you to offer a wide range of loan products, including:

Retail Loans

Personal Loans, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), credit lines, credit cards, gold loans, auto loans, home loans, and Loans Against Property.

Loan Against Securities

Loans against mutual funds, shares, and insurance policies.

Business Loans

Supply chain financing, 
invoice discounting, and working capital loans.


Partner with other financial institutions to address diverse lending needs.