Unlock new revenue streams by lending against shares, mutual funds, bonds, and insurance

Enable customers to leverage mutual funds, shares, bonds, and insurance policies for additional liquidity. Offer a sophisticated lending solution that's fully customizable and under your control.

Enhance your competitive edge with securities lending.

New Revenue. Effortless Enablement.

Grow your business and empower your clients with securities lending.

NBFCs & Banks

Stand out from the crowd. Provide innovative returns with easy-to-use securities lending, customized for each client.

Online Brokers

Turn idle assets into income. Offer securities lending with complete control and open new revenue streams.

Digital Wealth Managers

Unlock new income. Generate additional revenue from existing portfolios with our streamlined securities lending solution.

Asset Managers

Launch your own program. Implement a comprehensive, custody-agnostic securities lending program with full control and transparency.

Automate, Manage, and Grow Your Business

Launch in weeks, not years. Our comprehensive platform equips you with all the tools necessary to start lending securities immediately. Maximize your assets and capture every basis point.

Streamline your entire securities lending operation

Our end-to-end solution automates everything, from front to back office, for a seamless experience.

You're in complete control

Decide which securities you lend and to whom. Monitor their status in real-time and recall them at any time. It's your call.

Make informed decisions with confidence

 Gain full transparency into markets, borrower demand, and potential revenue. Maximize your returns with smart lending choices.

No hidden costs, just shared success

You only pay a portion of the lending revenue we generate together. Our success is your success.

What we offer

Loan Management System
Configurable journeys
Collateral management system
Risk management system
Three-level exposure management
Key integrations with depositories & RTAs

Scale  your LAS  offerings

regulatory compliance
of manual processes automated
intuitive journeys
faster time to market